UV Mapping Software - Ultimate Unwrap 3DBeginner's Tutorial for Ultimate Unwrap 3DUltimate Unwrap 3D offers several UV mapping and editing tools, which makes it very flexible across a wide range of applications.For this tutorial, we will go through some basic steps to create, map, and texture a Rubik's Cube.Creating A BoxTo start, let's create a box primitive. Click Create Box,set the width, height, and length dimensions to 6 andset the width, height, and length divisions to 3. Click OK.You should see a 3D cube in the 3D window. Note that whenever you create a new primitive, default UV coordinates will be generated. In this case, box mapping was used:To manually apply box mapping:1. Select all faces using the hotkey Ctrl+A.2.
Click 2D Tools UV Mapping Box. Use default options and click OK.Exporting the UV MapNow that our UV mapping work is done, we can export our UV map to a bitmap for painting. Click File Export UV Map:There are several options here, but for now, select Default color, uncheck Fill, set the Background color to gray (128,128,128),select Use line color, set the Line size to 8, and set the Line color to black (0,0,0). Save it as rubic.bmp:As you can see, this creates thick black lines, which will work out nicely after our texture map is painted.Now, open up rubic.bmp in your favorite paint program (e.g.
Photoshop, GIMP, Paint Shop Pro) and fill in the colors as shown below.The basic colors for a Rubik's Cube are red/yellow, green/white, and orange/blue.Materials and TexturesNow that we have our painted texture map, we can import it back into Unwrap 3D.But, first, we need to create a material for it. In the Scene Window, right-clickon Materials, and select Add.This adds a new material called 'Untitled'.
Right-click on 'Untitled' and select Rename. Let's call it 'cubemat'.Now, double-click on cubemat. You should see the Material Editor dialog box appear.Click on the Maps tab. For the diffuse texture map, select Bitmap. Then, click on the Properties button next to it:Here, we can load our texture map.
Click the Change button and browse for rubic.bmp and then click OK.If you take a look at the Scene Window again, you will see a T icon next to our cubemat material.This means that it has a loaded texture map:Materials and AssignmentThe next step is to assign faces to our cubemat material. First, select all faces with Ctrl+A:While all faces are selected, right-click on our 'cubemat' material, and select Assign:In the 3D perspective view, you should see our texture map:Congratulations, you just UV mapped a Rubik's Cube using Ultimate Unwrap 3D!SummaryIn this beginner's tutorial for Ultimate Unwrap 3D, we learned some basic UV mapping techniques such as box mapping, learned howto create a UV map, learned how to create a material, load a texture map for it, and assign faces to it.That's it! If you have any other questions about Ultimate Unwrap 3D, please let us know.&Copyright © 2019. All Rights Reserved.All trademarks and trade names are the property of their respective owners.